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Autor Tema: Makina vs Hardcore?  (Leído 3073 veces)
5th Raider

Registro: 20-01-05

« en: 20/01/05, 15:36:17 pm »

For what I have read in the forum people actually say Makina is good and Hardcore is bad?

First of all, no one can claim himself a Gabber if he listens to makina. Altough people think Gabber is 95' Thunderdome,they are wrong. Gabber is someone who listens to Hardcore as a way of life... and in musical terms, people talk about gabber as real Hardcore: fast, agressive dark, repetitive and hard. In Germany people see Gabber almost as the same as Speedcore.

Second: I dunno about people who use the old ID&T symbol. the origin of it is explained in my site and I asked Irfan from ID&T! Nowadays it is a clear Hardcore symbol, not makina.

Third: makina is only a form of Spanish Happy Hardcore with a mixture of Hard techno or hardstyle. It is soft, and most people outside Spain usually don't know it. Those who know it, if they listen to Underground Hardcore, Speedcore, Terror or Noisecore or even Industrial stuff... HATE IT! (this is quite true, altough here in Portugal I know some Hardcore fans who love makina, specially P. Aeri stuff...

Fourth: Makina can be considered a form of Hardcore, just like Happycore. It's a very soft and commercial form, but its origins are from Hardcore and Happy. So people who say they hate Hardcore and love Makina are in a clear contraditction (altough makina for many gabbers, specially in germany and holland,  is NOT Hardcore at all).

Fifth: I don't hate makina, altough I honestly prefer other stuff. I think Makina could be the starting point for a Hardcore scene. I could see many makina divulgation in Spain when I was there in Holidays. Also some divulgation for mainstream/commercial Hardcore like Paul Elstak, Ruffian, Offensive stuff, Megarave, Traxtorm, etc. Yet, I found funny people did not know what the hell speedcore was in Barcelona and Madrid... and people in shops actually pointed me Makina compilations as the hardest form of electronic they had for sale (you can even find harder stuff in IDM and Drum n Bass). I like to see main Hardcore artists visting Spain, that is a GREAT start! In fact, Spain had some Thunderdome raves in Lloret del Mar for those wh odid not know.... And there are Special Spanish Editions of Thunderdome... not rare, but still nice. :)

Sixth: This topic is supposed to be a friendy discussion... I just want to know why some people here hate Hardcore, and what they think Hardcore is all about. And also, what do you people consider about Makina....

Seventh: anyone saying Hardcore is Nazi... will get SHOT between the eyes... see mokum's logos and you'll see what they are all about. And another question... Makina and Bakalao... what is Bakalao?

Cumprimentos a todos...
E viva Makina e Hardcore em Espanha e Portugal!

Sexo: Masculino De: Zaragoza
Registro: 11-02-03
cuida no t canses xD

« Responder #1 en: 20/01/05, 15:43:01 pm »

segun tngo entndido la makina q venia del hardcore no era comercial es mas, los temas de hardcore antiguos y los d makina algunos se parecen bastante
5th Raider

Registro: 20-01-05

« Responder #2 en: 20/01/05, 16:08:08 pm »

"los temas de hardcore antiguos y los d makina algunos se parecen bastante "

alguns sim.... mas na altura Techno e Hardcore não eram muito independentes... era próximos... e já passou mais de uma década!
Mas quando penso em Lenny Dee - Fuckin Hostile, Riot Squad - Nonshlen Tustokken, Sorcerer - Summer, Vitamin - Cosmic Trash, Program 1 - World's Hardest MF, Mescalinum United - We Have Arrived (1st HC track ever?)....
esses NÃO SÃO parecidos com Makina de todo!


e Bakalao?
Dj Shocker

« Responder #3 en: 20/01/05, 16:11:43 pm »

La Makina es underivado del bakalao, no del hardcore, fue mas tarde hacia el 96-97 cuando empezo a influenciarse del hardcore.
5th Raider

Registro: 20-01-05

« Responder #4 en: 20/01/05, 16:13:42 pm »

"Makina es underivado del bakalao"

o que é Bakalao? Eu em 1994 ouvia pessoas a chamar as antigas Thunderdome de Bakalao!

Sexo: Femenino Registro: 06-02-04 >> DANGER <<

« Responder #5 en: 20/01/05, 16:18:53 pm »

For what I have read in the forum people actually say Makina is good and Hardcore is bad?

hay makina buena y makina mala, al igual k kn el hardcore
no todos los temas d ambos son dignos de alabanza :-\

"Makina es underivado del bakalao"

o que é Bakalao? Eu em 1994 ouvia pessoas a chamar as antigas Thunderdome de Bakalao!
5th raider (lo voy a decir en gallego x si m entiendes mejor  --cosa histórica!!!--)
o bakalao na actualidade refírese á musica electrónica, pero antigamente era unha maneira de chamar á musica que escoitamos hoxe en dia -makina e hardcore- xa que antes era o que se adoitaba oir na mitica "ruta do bakalao"
só que agora este termo emrégase para denominar a outro tipo de música electrónica
pero non o podo asegurar ao 100% >_<

(ueno, creo k todos m entendereis minimamente bien :P)
R e p l a y

Sexo: Masculino De: Barcelona
Registro: 17-08-02
Acid Test

« Responder #6 en: 20/01/05, 16:43:55 pm »

es lo q dije hace meses d q la makina q mas nos gusta a la mayoria, si bien no viene dl HC, tiene una clara influencia. ;)

4 raider!!:

this theme I tackle months ago. I said that the variant of makina music that like more us (in general), if good not was a HC evolution, this have a clear influence, more happy at times, ok, but clear infl. .., a spanish (cathalan o catalan, how is?) form ::)

'Bakalao' is the first form that Makina music takes. that name is cause 4 the phrase: "traigo bacalao fresco" --> "I bright fresh codfish" refering to the new music, not before listened. converted C-->K for more radical aparence and contents.

makina has gone evoluting with the years and having various influences of others styles how you comment.

one philosophy of to be more evadely, wriggly out, radical and different that any other music.

obviously not is the same but keep features  "Exta-si, exta-no" of Chimo Bayo that "Farmatron" of Kike boy that "Epsylon" of DJ Invi..... ;) although very people no see this :-[

I consider myself how anyone of the most identified with this music :D
[P4L]>LuiSitO< [P4L]
PITERO 100%!!

Sexo: Masculino De: bezoya...
Registro: 07-01-03
k tiene mala rima xd

« Responder #7 en: 20/01/05, 17:09:06 pm »

MAKINAERO TRADUCELO que aqui uno no se entera de nada... el profe de ingles y yo no eramos amigos, me llebaba mu mal con el...   [cabreado]  [quemar] ¬¬
R e p l a y

Sexo: Masculino De: Barcelona
Registro: 17-08-02
Acid Test

« Responder #8 en: 20/01/05, 17:23:44 pm »

MAKINAERO TRADUCELO que aqui uno no se entera de nada... el profe de ingles y yo no eramos amigos, me llebaba mu mal con el...   [cabreado]  [quemar] ¬¬

le digo lo q pongo n esp y q:

bakalao era la primera forma q la makina tomo. the nombre provenia d la frase 'traigo bacalao fresco' refiriendose a la nueva musika no escuxada antes.  se convierte la C a K para darle una apariencia mas radical.

la makina ha ido evolucionando con los años teniendo varias influencias de otros estilos como el comenta.

una filosofia d ser mas evadible, radical y diferente q kualkier otra musika.

obviamentee no es lo mismo pero mantienen rasgos [los temas q pongo], aunq haya gente q no los vea.

Me considero una d las personas mas identificadas con sta musica.

Santi Ripper
Administrador Global

Sexo: Masculino De: Barcelona
Registro: 11-08-02

« Responder #9 en: 20/01/05, 18:10:50 pm »

Creo que a grandes rasgos se podria diferenciar entre dos tipos de makina:

 - La valenciana, descendiente del Bakalao o como le querais llamar
 - La catalana, con claros toques hardcore/happyhardcore

Sexo: Masculino De: Tarragona
Registro: 06-11-02

« Responder #10 en: 20/01/05, 18:56:55 pm »

aunke la katalana se pincho mucho en castellon y alikante en 97-98-99

Sexo: Masculino De: Caldes de Montbui (bcn)
Registro: 23-11-04
Dj Erik!

« Responder #11 en: 20/01/05, 19:32:00 pm »

No me enterao de k va este post  :-\
Creo k ablais de donde viene la makina y noseke del hardocre xD
Alguien me podria explicar bien de k va el post???

PD: Con tantas lenguas k hay en el post no me e enterao i me e echo un lio :S
5th Raider

Registro: 20-01-05

« Responder #12 en: 20/01/05, 19:35:16 pm »

AH!  ;D
Estou a perceber... lol Não sabia que bakalao vinha daí! Eu bem que achava bakalao parecido com "bacalhau" , que significa codfish em Portugal! LOL
Vem aí bacalhau novo!

De qualquer forma, a Makina que eu considero próxima de Happycore é a Makina que tem influencias Hardcore... pois já ouvi makina muito parecido a Hardstyle...
Não sou muito fã de makina, prefiro outras coisas...

alguém ouve Speedcore?

ps: www.thunderdome.web.pt - usem o forum, são todos bemvindos!!! É bom saber que em Espanha a cena cresce!

Sexo: Masculino De: Sant Adria de Besos
Registro: 08-05-03

« Responder #13 en: 20/01/05, 19:40:04 pm »

no e entendio ni una mierda  ::)

Sexo: Masculino De: Caldes de Montbui (bcn)
Registro: 23-11-04
Dj Erik!

« Responder #14 en: 20/01/05, 19:59:42 pm »

Ya somos 2 iban xDDD
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